An Update on Haiti

An Update on Haiti

Political turmoil, combined with economic instability and desperate circumstances, has led to a crisis with high levels of gang violence throughout Haiti. Port-au-Prince, the Department of Artibonite, and other areas of the country have been badly affected by violence.

At Compassion, we’re deeply committed to child protection. It’s exactly why we work through the local church — to ensure that there are people on the ground, making sure that every child in the programme is known, loved, and accounted for. During this time, our staff and local partners are making every effort to stay in touch with all children who may be affected by the current violence.

To learn more, watch an update from Edouard Lassegue, Regional Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean.

If you sponsor within Haiti, please rest assured that we’ll let you know of any updates from our local partners as we receive them. We’ll also always contact you if we learn that the child you sponsor has been directly affected.

But There Is Hope

While the situation in Haiti remains volatile, Guilbaud Saint Cyr, National Director for Compassion Haiti shared this message of hope: 

“I am to be hopeful because the Compassion programme works and continues to make a difference in the lives of the participants with partner churches.” 

Please join us in praying for children, youths, families and communities in Haiti.

Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions.

What support is Compassion providing to children, young people and families impacted by the unrest?

Compassion continues to walk alongside the local churches impacted by the instability across the country. The support children and their families receive will vary. It can include hygiene kits for children and families, health care for children, in-home or virtual communication with families for child protection matters and family wellbeing, and in-home or virtual support for children’s education. It can also include food kits, food vouchers, or cash transfers.

Which regions in Haiti are affected by gang activity?

Port-au-Prince, the Department of Artibonite, and other areas of the country have been affected by violence. The majority of Port-au-Prince is controlled by gangs.

How does Compassion support its staff and Frontline Church Partners working in areas with high levels of violence or conflict?

Compassion’s highest priority is the safety and wellbeing of children, families, staff, frontline church partners and volunteers. We have advised everyone involved in our programming in Haiti to adapt their activities as needed to ensure their personal safety.

In areas with high levels of gang violence, some of our frontline church partners have temporarily paused gatherings at the projects to prioritise safety. In those instances, our church partners will deliver programming as they are able. This might be through home visits or other virtual options.

How does Compassion support its staff and Frontline Church Partners working in areas with high levels of violence or conflict?

Compassion’s highest priority is the safety and wellbeing of children, families, staff, frontline church partners and volunteers. We have advised everyone involved in our programming in Haiti to adapt their activities as needed to ensure their personal safety.

In areas with high levels of gang violence, programme delivery is being adjusted to mitigate safety and security risks as much as possible. Compassion will also provide personal safety education resources to our staff and our church partner communities.

Which regions in Haiti are affected by gang activity?

Port-au-Prince, the Department of Artibonite, and other areas of the country have been affected by violence. The majority of Port-au-Prince is controlled by gangs.

In areas with high levels of gang violence, some of our frontline church partners have temporarily paused gatherings at the projects to prioritise safety. In those instances, our church partners will deliver programming as they are able. This might be through home visits or other virtual options.

We’re deeply committed to child protection. It’s exactly why we work through the local church — to ensure that there are people on the ground making sure that every child in the programme is known, loved, and accounted for. Our staff and local partners are making every effort to stay in touch with all children who may be affected by the current violence.

How will I know if the child I sponsor or his/her family are impacted by gang violence?

Thank you for your concern for the child you sponsor. In areas with high levels of gang violence, programme delivery is being adjusted to prioritise the personal safety of children, families, staff, frontline church partners and volunteers. In these cases, our partners will deliver programming as they are able. This might be through home visits or other virtual options.

Should we receive news that your sponsored child has been directly impacted, we’ll always contact you.

We’ll also keep this page updated with the latest information and prayer requests.

Should I continue sending my monthly sponsorship funds?

Yes please. We’re so grateful for your continued care for the child you sponsor. Your ongoing support brings hope in these difficult times.

Will I still receive letters from my sponsored child?

Our aim is to continue to provide letters from the child you sponsor, even in this difficult situation. However, many of our Haitian church partners in areas with high levels of gang violence have paused meeting in person. Compassion Haiti is encouraging our local church partners, where possible, to reach out with communications. These will be different from your usual child letters, authored by a project worker accompanied by a recent picture of the child you sponsor with a short caption. We pray this will be a blessing and encouragement to you during this difficult time.

Can I still send letters to the child I sponsor, or send gifts to them and their family?

Yes, you can still send letters and gifts, but it is likely that the delivery of letters and gifts will be delayed, especially in areas where projects have experienced disruption to normal activities. Our local partners will do their best to deliver letters and gifts as they are able.

Discover more about our work in Haiti
Becca Stanley

Words by Becca Stanley


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Compassion UK Christian Child Development, registered charity in England and Wales (1077216) and Scotland (SC045059). A company limited by guarantee, Registered in England and Wales company number 03719092. Registered address: Compassion House, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UT.