God made me courageous. God made me strong. God made me a girl.
All over the world, girls face challenges because of their gender. Girls are more likely to be kept from school, forced to marry, subjected to violence and have their voice and rights denied. And girls living in poverty are amongst the most vulnerable.
But there’s a generation of girls who are being empowered to dream beyond their circumstances. They are not only changing their own lives but the lives of those around them.
As you read their own words, take note of how Emelyine, Abigail and Annet want the world to see them: strong, brave, confident. World changers.
I am able to go places

My name is Emelyine. I’m 14 years old and I’m proud to be a girl and most importantly—a Rwandan girl who is empowered to become a journalist.
Every time I talk to my mother, she encourages me to reach for my dreams. I’m fortunate to be born in this era where girls can go to school, have careers, and support their family, community, and country.
My mother didn’t get the opportunity to go to school as I do. She says that in her time, girls would be married off at 14, and schools were meant only for boys.
Today in my community, the biggest danger for a girl is sexual abuse and the lack of sexual and reproductive health education. I count myself lucky because at the Compassion project we are taught how to protect ourselves and others, as well as how to report any abuse. I have passed on the information to some of the girls in my community.
The lessons I receive during the activities at the Compassion project, such as ‘My Plan for Tomorrow’ has taught me to be hopeful for a bright future. I can proudly say I’m empowered and confident.
There are a lot of things a girl can do that will make everyone proud. As a society, let’s support girls so they can achieve their purpose and dreams. Without the support of our people and communities, we are limited in many ways. But with collective support, we will go places!
Sponsor a girl today
I am able to pursue all my dreams

My name is Abigail. I’m 16 years old and I know my true value as a daughter of God, empowered to use the gifts that God has given me.
The biggest challenge girls in my community in Toluca, Mexico face is that many families lack sufficient resources. Girls cannot dream because of three reasons: their family’s lack of income, the absence of job opportunities, and the mentality that a woman must marry and become a housewife and that is her only option rather than her choice.
Many times, the only available option for teens is to work, rather than study. The absence of job opportunities in my community also means many travel to the capital city to find a job. Even then, the salaries are very low, around USD $29.00 per week, and their expenses are higher because they also must pay for their transportation.
In my case, thanks to Compassion’s programme and the church, I have been able to break through these barriers.
Today, I am working to pursue all my dreams.
I am excited for the dreams God has placed in my heart and can’t wait for the time to manifest them.
I want to finish my technical career in general nursing to later enrol in university to study paediatrics as I really love working with kids. I also want to continue working with my Compassion project’s early childhood group and want to start getting involved with the youth group.
Music is also one of my great passions. I recently started playing the keyboard in church and now I can’t stop playing it. Without a doubt, I have discovered it is a channel through which I can connect in an inexplicable way with God. Therefore, another of my dreams is to become a praise leader.
Today, I thank God, my parents, the Compassion project, and the church because thanks to them I can recognise my true value as a daughter of God. I can allow myself to dream big, feeling empowered and putting at the service of others the gifts God has given me.
I am capable because God created me

My name is Annet. I’m 15 years old and l live in central Bolivia.
I’m proud to tell you that God made me courageous; God made me strong: God made me a girl.
It would be great if every girl believed that, too. But we live in a society where girls aren’t allowed to do, wear, or eat certain things—just because they are girls. At school, among friends, or even in their own families, girls may only hear prohibitions and don’ts, which affects their self-esteem.
Where daily reading the news we find new and more cases of femicides, infanticides, and girls who have suffered sexual abuse. It’s alarming, so it’s necessary we do something about it.
It’s important to be empathic with women who suffer violence and discrimination. Ask yourself, ‘What would happen if I suffered that, and no one did anything for me?’ Without empathy, we can’t do much. To be empowered is to be confident, and unafraid to say what we think or what we want to do.
I feel empowered when I can express how I feel and say what I think without fear. I feel empowered when I don’t feel less than others and when I don’t set myself aside. I learnt this at home. My father always taught us that God is in the first place, and second place, I must believe I’m capable, but I must work hard. At church, I also learned we are not less for being girls. We are capable because God gave us the abilities.
That’s why I like different activities and I try to do my best. I have practised Taekwondo for seven years and recently won a gold medal in a championship.
When I graduate, I want to specialise in psychiatry. That way I can help others. It’s important to support each other and remind each other of who created us, and that He made us with abilities and potential.
Young Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision

This generation of girls are being empowered thanks to Compassion’s local Church partners and the love and encouragement of their sponsor.
When you sponsor a girl with Compassion, you’ll have the opportunity to come alongside a local church partner to help girls dream beyond their circumstances, championing them through letters and prayers so they can realise their God-given potential.
As Emelyine, Abigail and Annet demonstrate, by coming alongside a young girl with dreams, she can become a woman with vision.
Will you begin with a child and sponsor a girl today?
Sponsor a girl today