Pray for an End to Child Marriage
Child marriage robs children of their future, leaves them vulnerable to abuse, and keeps them trapped in a cycle of poverty. As the worldwide church, we have the power and responsibility to stop this injustice. Compassion’s global partners are actively working alongside communities to prevent child marriage, but they need our support and our prayers.
You can join us in prayer by using this guide, which includes suggestions for what to pray, a written prayer you can make your own, and creative prayer ideas. Use it to guide your personal prayer time or share it with your small group or church to collectively cry out for the needs of children affected.
You can also learn more about child marriage, its causes, and what can be done to stop it, by reading our detailed blog.

Child marriage: what to pray for
Pray for children affected by child marriage
- Protection and Safety: Pray for the physical and emotional safety of children trapped in marriage, asking God to protect them from abuse and harm.
- Healing and Restoration: Pray for healing for those who have been hurt by child marriage, that they may recover from trauma and find hope and joy in life.
- Education and Opportunity: Pray that children affected by child marriage will have opportunities to continue their education and pursue their dreams, breaking the cycle of poverty.
- Support and Community: Pray that these children will find supportive communities and mentors who can help them navigate their challenges and advocate for their rights.
Pray for an end to the causes of child marriage
- Overcoming Poverty: Pray for an end to the poverty that drives families to marry off their children, asking God to provide for their needs and open up new economic opportunities.
- Gender Equality: Pray for cultural and societal changes that value and respect girls and women, promoting gender equality and ending the objectification of females.
- Access to Education: Pray for increased access to quality education for all children, especially girls, so that they can see a future beyond early marriage.
- Healthcare: Pray for better healthcare services in impoverished areas, reducing the financial burdens that can lead families to marry off their children.

Pray for the countries where child marriage takes place
- Government Action: Pray that governments will take serious action to end child marriage and protect vulnerable children. Pray for the strengthening and enforcement of laws against child marriage.
- Cultural Change: Pray for a shift in cultural norms and traditions that perpetuate child marriage, asking God to inspire communities to value the well-being and future of their children.
- Economic Development: Pray for economic development in regions where child marriage is prevalent, creating sustainable opportunities that reduce the financial incentives for early marriage.
- Public Awareness: Pray for increased public awareness and advocacy within these countries, encouraging communities to speak out against child marriage and support affected children.
Pray for the work being done to end child marriage
- Wisdom and Strength: Pray for the organisations and individuals working to end child marriage, asking God to give them wisdom, strength, and perseverance in their efforts.
- Resources and Support: Pray that these organisations will receive the necessary resources, funding, and support to continue their crucial work.
- Effective Programmes: Pray that the programmes and initiatives designed to combat child marriage will be effective and reach the children and families who need them most.
- Church Collaboration: Pray for strong partnerships and collaboration between local churches, communities, and organisations, fostering a united effort to end child marriage and support affected children.
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A prayer for the end of child marriage
God of justice and compassion
We know your heart breaks
when injustice robs children of their childhood;
when poverty controls a child’s future,
and forces them into the adult world too soon,
without the opportunity to play, to grow and develop in their own time.
We cry out to you for children trapped in early marriage,
and others who find themselves at risk of exploitation.
We ask you to give them real choices, to protect them from harm,
to restore hope and set them on a new path.
We pray, too, for the adults making decisions for children,
who may have been married as children themselves.
Lord, pour your healing through the generations,
and give them the courage to do things differently.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Ending child marriage: five creative prayer ideas
- Interactive Prayer Stations: Set up interactive prayer stations in your church or meeting space. Each station can focus on a different aspect of tackling child marriage, such as protection and safety, education, or government action. Provide information (you can get further info on child marriage here), prayer prompts, and creative activities like writing a psalm or lighting candles.
- Global Prayer Map: Display a large world map and highlight the countries with the highest rates of child marriage (see here for more info). Invite participants to choose a country to pray for, focusing on the specific challenges and needs of that region.
- Prayer and Fasting Day: Dedicate a day for prayer and fasting to end child marriage. Encourage individuals, small groups, or the entire church to abstain from meals and use the time to pray for affected children, their families, and the organisations working to tackle this issue. Consider following up the day with a service where people can share their experiences and pray together.
- Prayer Chain: Establish a prayer chain where individuals commit to praying for a specific amount of time each day for a set period (e.g. a month). You could create a shared online document or physical sign-up sheet where people can share prayer points and updates.
- Art and Prayer Night: Host an art and prayer night where people can come together to create art that reflects their prayers and hopes for ending child marriage. This could include painting, drawing, writing poetry, or crafting. Display the completed artworks in your church or community centre to raise awareness and inspire further prayer and action.
Thank you for joining us in prayer.