
Give the gift of safe water

Four of our projects in the Plateaux Region of Togo are struggling to access safe water sources right now and need your help.

Watch the film to find out how a borehole brought change to children facing similar challenges in Uganda.

We’re raising funds for each project in Togo to drill a borehole connected to a solar-powered pump and storage tank, allowing access to safe water at all times. We’d love to help all four projects provide safe water so that 950 Compassion children, 1,600 caregivers and their wider communities can drink, cook and wash in safety.

Safe water will transform these communities and we’d love your help to make it happen. You can give children a brighter future by donating below.

Make a donation to Compassion

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Donation amount

£24 Buys two taps for a community £66 Provides hygiene training for 25 community members £151 Buys two metres of borehole drilling

Or enter your own amount


100% of donations from disaster appeals are used to directly benefit children and families. If we raise funds exceeding the needs for this crisis, the money will be used for our general disaster relief fund.

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